Friday, 20 November 2009

Conventions of Social Realism and Unique Selling Point

I researched conventions of the social realism genre to help with planning our trailer. We found that the characters are normally working class and set in working class locations such as terraced houses, pubs, places of work.
I also found that the characters are normally victims of circumstance and the film is normally about their struggle and what they go through. Typical themes are of poverty, political issues and the pursuit of happiness.
I also found that the tyical protagonist is a male, normally angry or upset with his situation or something that has happened in his life, and the narrative revolves around his experiences.
The media language used is realistic such as authenic costumes to the era it is set in, natural lighting and sound, Real British locations and grainy images.

Our unique selling point is the sex of the protagonist. We have decided to have a female progtagonist which is unusal for the socail realism genre, as the films we researched had males as the leading characters.
Also, we are going to set the film in the 80s which is also quite unique.
