Friday, 11 December 2009

Costumes and Makeup pictures during shoots - Chloe

The costume we decided on for our female protagonist was an all black outfit. The colour black was chosen for a number of reasons, the first was that she was a dark character seeking revenge and so white would have been inappropriate as it gives connotations of purity whereas black gives connotations of evil and is often used on dark characters.
This colour also seemed fit as the character is morning her sister- the reason for her revenge and so the colour black shows this.
The mood of our film, and a typical mood of a social realism film is dark and violent- never cheerful and so black is the best colour to reflect this mood.
The costume above consists of a leather jacket, leggins, a lace body suit and black heeled boots.
We incorporated the heeled shoes and lace body as we wanted to make our protagonist glamorous and sexually appealing so it would attract our secondary audience which is males. Just as female action protagonists are presented in films we researched such as Kill Bill and Charlie's Angels.
However, as we did a number of shoots the costume changed slighty as it was not always possible to have the same costume and it wasn't always practical due to the weather as we shot most of our trailer outdoors.
For example in one shoot our protagonist it wearing a black hoody. We kept the colours the same, but we felt the hoody worked well especially in the close up shots of our protagonist's face. The hoody is a classic fashion associated with the working class criminal and so it fitted our genre and character perfectly and also helped the audience to realise that our character is infact, quite sinister.
As the trailer is cut into lots of small scenes and shows events from different points of the film, we felt the change of costume worked, especially because the colours were the same.
In the home video clips, the protagonist is wearing a pink hoody. This creates a clear contrast between the home footage, where she is happy and her sister is alive compared to the footage where she is out seeking revenge for her dead sister. It also helps the audience to realise it is a totally different part of the film.
In the fight scenes the male character fighting our protagonist is wearing a hoody. We didnt want the audience to see much of the male character's face as it creates mystery and teases the audience as it isn't clear who she is fighting with, we also wanted our protagonist's face to be the focus of the trailer as this establishes the fact that she is the protagonist and the film revolves around her actions. Also as the hoody gives connotations of a criminal, it gives clues that the male character may have done something wrong, as well as hiding his face.